Individuals having difficulty with certain thinking or memory tasks with increasing age is a common phenomenon. This is presumably mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in particular cases that this article aims to discuss about. If you look up online, there are many suggestions on how to prevent it, from making healthy food choices, such as eating fish, vegetables, green tea to… Read More
Alzheimer’s disease or another related dementia severely deteriorates individuals’ functioning and quality of life, placing stress on the entire family. What is alarming is the fact that the number of US adults 70 and over with dementia and mild cognitive impairment is rising. On top of that, the costs related to dementia are higher than those of heart disease and… Read More
More than 47 million people worldwide live with dementia with America accounting for more than 16 million Alzheimer’s (the most common form of dementia) caregivers. What is worrisome is the fact that this number is expected to increase in the elderly population. Contrary to popular belief, the majority of individuals dealing with Alzheimer’s or another related dementia live at home,… Read More
We have all been at the receiving end of situations where we’ve misplaced our car keys or forgotten someone’s name or found it difficult to recall a specific event or incident. These do not indicate you have developed Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia since forgetfulness can be considered a normal part of aging. Changes occur in all parts of the… Read More