Long story short… We offer the highest marks to Anthem Senior Manor:

  • May 14, 2024 BY  Ally & Brad Lozares

We needed Dad to be closer to us than the 13 hour drive to CA would allow, especially when his health suddenly took a turn. But where to find a lovely home environment with care givers who would genuinely embrace our loved one with patience, thoughtful encouragement, tasty meals and reliable assistance on a daily basis?
Fortuitously enough my husband heard of Anthem Senior Manor several months ago and after speaking with Sam about our Dad’s then current health status, toured the residence twice in a day, and realized that ASM would be ideal for our circumstance. But how to implement this momentous decision?
During the ensuing two weeks, Sam got to know more about our loved one and his status, and then skillfully walked us through our worries and endless questions. He put us in touch with a talented support team that would arrange for and manage Medical Transport. Additionally, Sam introduced us to the professionals in Palliative and Hospice care who would direct Dad’s medical needs going forward. Within a week we knew there was plan that could make Dad’s move from hospital bed in CA to his new room and home in AZ happen very quickly… like overnight, literally!
Yippee!! Prayers being answered: Dad would be all the more comfortable and compassionately attended to on a daily basis. And Bonus for us: Anthem Senior Manor was just 30 minutes from our home!! Feeling blessed!!
Sam truly was a God sent at a time when our family was swimming in worry and indecision to present a viable and thoughtful plan for Dad. Thanks to him, we were able to confidently make this loving decision for Dad.
The “grand adventure” took place without a hitch or a worry overnight between March 31 and April 1. Now fast forward to Dad’s arrival at the Manor. We were thrilled when Dad rolled into the grand room looking all fresh and dapper. He had arrived an hour before us – greeted by staff, handed a cup of decaf, fed a favorite breakfast, showered shaved groomed and dressed, and presented to us anew !! After a brief tour of his new home, (loved the putting green), he was lifted by two people into a cushy recliner in front of a large TV !! And we both teared up!! Our Dad hadn’t be seated in a chair since his first stroke at the end of July 2023 !! Wow !!
Thank you all for your kindness and playfulness with your newly arrived Cowboy resident! Carlos, Tracey and the rest of the team, we are so grateful!!
And special thanks to Sam and Tracey for your inquisitiveness and genuine thoughtfulness during those first hours… helping us unpack Dad’s things and offering to hang photos for us. We enjoyed sharing stories about Dad’s “life well lived” and putting names to faces from family photos. [A very clever way to get to know more about their newest resident, Sam and Tracey !! 😉
While driving home, we sighed a few times and reassured each other that our loved one deserved to be in this great place. We arrived home relaxed and confident Dad will thrive in the care of this lovely community at Anthem Senior Manor.
Long story short… We offer the highest marks to Anthem Senior Manor:
Our family and the Cowboy’s friends in Cathey’s Valley bestow handfuls of feathers to fluff all y’all’s beautiful angel wings!
A thousand thank you’s, Ally and Brad Lozares
PS. We truly enjoy ASM’s wheelchair access van !! Dad is thrilled to know it’s possible to come back at our home for a favorite meal, a visit with friends or family members when they come to Scottsdale !!

